The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) understands the importance of partnerships, especially when bringing together the global identity preserved (IP) agriculture industry. Twenty-three businesses (so far!) are partnering with SSGA through sponsorship of the 2025 Identity Preserved International Summit. Organizations sponsoring at the top-level recognize the value that events like the Summit bring. 

“This conference will be a great opportunity to highlight the IP soy grown in the United States as well as provide opportunity for networking and the building of relationships between U.S. suppliers and international customers,” said Lance Rezac, chairman of the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC).  

The Summit, presented by Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA), is set to serve as an educational hub for food manufacturers; qualified grain and oilseed buyers and sellers; and transportation, equipment, seed and input companies from around the world. The event is expecting more than 40 foreign buyers and food manufacturers with attendees from South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Nepal, Singapore and India registered.  

“Having the opportunity to promote our message at a global event like this really opens the door for future growth for our industry,” Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board (WSMB) Executive Director Adam Kask said. “We know that expanding the global market starts with having strong global connections that this event will surely foster.”  

USSEC and the WSMB are joined by Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC), North Dakota Soybean Council (NDSC) and TruSoya as top-level sponsors for the Feb. 18-20 event. 

“The checkoff sponsors the IP Summit because Minnesota is the largest producer of identity preserved soybeans, with approximately 9% of Minnesota’s soybean acreage planted to IP soybeans each year,” Kim Nill, MSR&PC director of market development, said. “Checkoff-funded breeding programs at University of Minnesota have created many of those food-destined IP soybean varieties, which tend to possess better taste, higher protein, the desired consistent light color and more.”    

The IP soybean market is also a vital piece of the soy industry in North Dakota.  

“We appreciate our farmers having the option to participate in identity preserved markets,” said NDSC Director of Market Development Jena Bjertness. “This event will help to make connections with North Dakota IP soybeans and global customers seeking our specialty soy.” 

For TruSoya, the Summit is an opportunity to bring awareness to variety-specific soy. 

“The audience at the Summit is the perfect mix of seed producers and end customers,” said Tom Slunecka, CEO of MSR&PC, which created the TruSoya brand. “The goal of our sponsorship is to demonstrate how new technologies and varieties can help both customers and farmers alike.” 

“SSGA is grateful for every business and organization that has sponsored the Identity Preserved International Summit and,” said Shane Frederick, manager of strategic programs for SSGA. “In turn, these sponsors are supporting of the IP soy and specialty sector of U.S. agriculture and agri-business. We look forward to their attendance and participation in our event.” 

Other sponsors of the event include SB&B Foods, Scoular, the South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, Stonebridge Ltd., Harada, Richland IFC, Brushvale Seed, Asiatek, Bratney, Northern Crops Institute, Iowa Soybean Association, Aloha Tofu, Profinium, PenceAg, World Initiative for Soy in Human Health, North Star Packaging, Friederichs Seed, Inc. and Genesis Seed Solutions. Key strategic partners include USSEC and Food Export Midwest. 

Sponsorships are still available, with options detailed here. For a look at the full Identity Preserved International agenda, click here.  


Published On: January 21st, 2025 / Categories: News /

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Experience the U.S. Identity Preserved industry through discussions, networking and tours along with presentations about identity preserved crop supply, transportation, crop conditions, availability and more.

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The Identity Preserved International Summit will be held at:
Hilton Waikiki Beach – 2500 Kuhio Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii, 96815